Speaking at NDC Sydney 2017 on Azure Data Lake

Are you going to NDC Sydney August 14th - 18th 2017? So will I!

I have the honor to do a talk on Azure Data Lake & Analtics called "Analyzing StackExchange data with Azure Data Lake".

By using a data dump of the well-known StackExchange websites, I will show you how to store & analyse 150+ GB of data with Azure Data Lake Store & Analytics to gain some insights about their users.

After that we will use Power BI to give an at-a-glance overview of our learnings.

If you are a developer that is interested in big data, this is your time to shine! We will use our existing SQL & C# skills to analyse everything without having to worry about running clusters.

You can find more information about my talk here.

See you there!

Thanks for reading,
